App for a modern sports model

Active Move is a coordinated app, a platform where associations and sports facilities in each municipality work together to offer physical activity to young people aged 13-20. With the motto, joy, community and flexibility, sport is offered for everyone! The Active Move app offers a "try it out" model where everyone can participate in activities of their choice, regardless of their association.

"A team that is easy to work with, short decision paths and at the same time experienced experts who possess knowledge in all areas. A complete working partner to rely on who can deliver the right overall solution with 100% confidence from start to finish. "

Hanna Karlsson

founder and project manager Active Move



Only 1 in 10 children move 60 minutes a day. 50% of children stop playing sports before the age of 12. In light of this, the Active Move project is a system innovation in physical activity.

The app is primarily aimed at young people who have stopped playing club sports and the challenge is to get them to rediscover the joy of movement. There will be less focus on competition and performance where the goal is the joy of movement and improved health.

How do you get this target group to dare to try new activities and how do you get young people to discover Active Move in the media noise?

To make this possible, the thresholds need to be low and the app needs to be inviting to use. Friends are a big factor at this age and people are inspired by each other so the challenge has been how to combine this with gamification.



Active Move consists of an administrative website where associations post activities for young people. Associations have the opportunity to describe the activity and choose the related information.

Users create an account in the app and access a platform filled with different types of activities sorted by date, level, pulse and location. It is also possible to see how many places are available, which association is organising and info on how to carry out the activity. Of course, you can set weekly goals and the app will give you pep and motivation.

The pilot test is currently in full swing in Umeå municipality and will be completed in Q1 2023 and then iterated on for the major launch in 2023.



In 2023, the youth will influence their membership cost with different actions, which is important for integration and sustainability.

The goal is to develop an understanding of movement and to keep the individual physically active throughout life.

Digitalisation creates new opportunities and efficiencies, giving the Active Move sports model a helicopter perspective and making it Equal for All.

The objective is to "Trend up the association life"

The vision is that by 2028, the model will be a natural part of the associations' exercise activities for young people and, in the long term, create better public health.



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